Monday, 28 January 2013

'Me without giblets' accessorised!

Today I have finally finished off my skeleton!

Thanks to some (incredibly magical) wundaweb hemming tape, I was able to loop the brown fabric into a cylindrical shape before flattening it and hemming the ends. I then cut it in half and shaped and applied each piece in a way so that together they somewhat resembled a scarf. With the hat I made sure that the sewn hems were tucked beneath so they cannot be seen!

I used a glue gun to attach the fabric to the wood and burnt my fingers multiple times. But at last he is finished! (Now for a place to put him... Hmmm...)

In other news, we had our first 2013 life drawing session today!

It was terrible. I blame the fact it's the first time I've been in there without a watch.

This is actually the second drawing I did, which took 30 minutes. Not that I would know. I didn't have a watch.

<-- Look how terrible that is! It's completely out of proportion; I don't even know how I managed that! She's like an Alice in Wonderland character, getting smaller the further down her body.

I enjoyed taking photos of it afterwards though. I figured that if I shot from a low angle, the perspective would fix the proportions. So... ta da!

I then thought it'd be fun to try it the other way round and see how out-of-proportion I could get the drawing to be...

And finally on the left is the first drawing I did for 20 minutes. Better than the other one for sure, mainly because it was pretty small in size. Guess I need to brush up on my life drawing skills!

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